domenica 28 luglio 2013



Lions to raise US$30 million for immunization, matched by US$30 million from UK Government and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
HAMBURG, Germany, 8 July 2013 – The GAVI Alliance and Lions Clubs International today announced a unique partnership designed to protect tens of millions of children in the world’s poorest countries against measles, a highly infectious disease that kills an estimated 430 people every day, mostly in developing countries.
Under the partnership, Lions Clubs – the world’s largest service club organization – will deploy its network of 1.35 million volunteers to raise US$30 million and to improve access to vaccines through the GAVI Alliance, a public-private partnership whose mission is to save children’s lives and protect people’s health by increasing access to immunization in the world’s poorest countries.
The funds raised by the Lions will be matched by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, bringing the total to US$60 million. The announcement was made at the Lions Clubs’ 96th annual convention in Hamburg, Germany.
“Lions Clubs International and its members are excited to continue our commitment to the fight against measles and rubella,” said Lions Clubs International Foundation Chair Wing-Kun Tam. “Through our joint efforts with GAVI and other partners, we will increase access to quality immunization services at every level – globally, nationally and locally – to benefit children in developing countries.”
Social mobilization boost
Lions Clubs and GAVI will work with ministries of health in developing countries to ensure children are vaccinated against measles and rubella. Lions will also play a key role in social mobilization efforts by working work with local leaders, coordinating community-level publicity and serving as volunteers at vaccination centers. Measles kills about 160,000 people annually, mostly children under age five. GAVI provides the measles vaccine in a single shot with the vaccine against rubella (German measles).
“This new partnership will bring us another step closer to effectively tackling measles and rubella, two serious infectious diseases,” said Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of the GAVI Alliance. “Teaming up with the vast network of Lions Clubs worldwide will allow GAVI to immunize more children with the measles-rubella vaccine, ultimately reducing the number of measles deaths and cases of Congenital Rubella Syndrome.”
Lions Clubs has committed to raising US$30 million for GAVI immunization programs by 2017, when Lions Clubs celebrates its 100th anniversary. Under the GAVI Matching Fund, the UK and Gates Foundation match contributions to GAVI from corporations, foundations, their members, customers, employees and business partners with a goal of raising US$260 million for immunization through 2015.
“We are grateful for the continued and generous commitment of Lions Clubs International and its members to improving the health of the world’s poorest children,” said Bill Gates Sr., co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “This partnership will help us urgently reach all children, no matter where they live, with the vaccines they need.”
The partnership makes Lions Clubs the largest member of the GAVI Matching Fund, which now has secured more than US$145 million in private sector gifts and donor matches. Lions Clubs is the Matching Fund’s 10th member.
“Giving the measles vaccine to children is one of the simplest things we can do to protect them from the disease and its dreadful consequences,” said Justine Greening, the UK’s Secretary of State for International Development. “The funds raised by Lions Members and matched by the UK will mean that millions of children will lead healthier and happier lives, able to better contribute to their communities.”
Lions Clubs International, founded in 1917, has more than 46,000 clubs in 207 countries, impacting communities through service projects. Since 1968, it has awarded more than US$800 million in grants to support humanitarian projects, including anti-measles initiatives.
Measles is a highly infectious and deadly disease, killing an estimated 430 people daily, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), by weakening the immune system, making young children vulnerable to pneumonia, blindness, diarrhea and encephalitis. But measles can be prevented with a safe and inexpensive vaccine. The measles-rubella vaccine funded by GAVI costs around 50 US cents per dose.
Since 2001, measles deaths have been reduced by 71%, notes WHO. GAVI and Lions Clubs have worked with the Measles & Rubella Initiative to support campaigns that have contributed to this reduction. Recent experience shows that failure to give enough children their first dose of measles vaccination through routine immunization can result in serious outbreaks. As a result, the GAVI-Lions Clubs partnership will focus on support of routine immunization and strengthening health systems. By 2020, more than 700 million children in 49 countries are expected to be immunized against measles and rubella.
“These additional resources will help countries reach the 20 million children who have yet to receive measles vaccine, and will provide further momentum to bring us closer to eliminating measles,” said Dr. Stephen Cochi, a senior advisor on immunization at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on behalf of the Measles & Rubella Initiative.
GAVI Alliance
The GAVI Alliance is a public-private partnership committed to saving children’s lives and protecting people’s health by increasing access to immunization in developing countries. The Alliance brings together developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, technical agencies, civil society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private sector partners. GAVI uses innovative finance mechanisms, including co-financing by recipient countries, to secure sustainable funding and adequate supply of quality vaccines. Since 2000, GAVI has financed the immunization of an additional 370 million children and prevented more than 5.5 million premature deaths. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
GAVI is funded by governments [Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States], the European Commission, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as private and corporate partners [Absolute Return for Kids, Anglo American plc., The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Comic Relief, Dutch Postcode Lottery, His Highness Sheikh Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, JP Morgan, “la Caixa” Foundation, LDS Charities and Vodafone].
For more information, visit
Lions Club International
Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Our 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs are serving communities in 207 countries and geographical areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired, championed youth initiatives and strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects. Lions Clubs International Foundation is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International. Through the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative, Lions and LCIF have helped vaccinate 20 million children against measles alongside its partners since 2010. Learn more about LCI at
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Lions Clubs International Announces Historic Expansion of Partnership with Special Olympics

Lions Clubs International Announces Historic Expansion of Partnership with Special Olympics

Increasing Funding, Member Activation and Programming to Benefit Those with Intellectual Disabilities Worldwide
HAMBURG, Germany, 8 July 2013 – Lions Clubs International Foundation is pledging $7.8 million to Special Olympics, expanding worldwide efforts to support the inclusion and well-being of people with intellectual disabilities.

Building on the organizations’ 14-year history of collaboration, this pledge is part of a new multi-year partnership plan that will strengthen ties between Special Olympics and Lions Clubs International at the country and the community level. The partnership is providing health services, engaging youth and encouraging family support to benefit the global population of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

The announcement was made on stage during the 96th annual Lions Clubs International convention in Hamburg, Germany, by National Basketball Association athlete and Special Olympics Board Member Yao Ming, Special Olympics Chairman and CEO Timothy Shriver, Special Olympics Australia athlete Ben Haack, Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes Founder Dr. Paul Berman and Lion Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Chairperson Tam Wing-kun.

“Just five months ago at the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Korea, Special Olympics convened world leaders for a Global Development Summit focused on ending the cycle of poverty and exclusion that people with intellectual disabilities face around the world.  Lions Clubs did more than participate in that gathering -- they committed to action,” shared Yao Ming. “With this remarkable commitment, they're putting the funding and strength of their global grassroots organization in direct service for one of the world's most marginalized populations.  There's no greater service organization than Lions, and the athletes, families, volunteers and fans of Special Olympics worldwide are proud to stand with their members in service to others."

Lions Clubs International has been supporting Special Olympics with a focus on health through the Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes vision screening program. Now, this five-year renewal and increased support will create leadership opportunities for Special Olympics athletes, increase the health work of Special Olympics, conduct outreach to families for additional support and allow for both organizations to reach more young people through inclusive sports and advocacy programs in an effort to achieve full acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in their communities.

“Lions Clubs International is honored to serve as a global partner of Special Olympics,” said Chairperson Tam.  “For many years, we have worked side by side in the field of vision care for those with intellectual disabilities, and we are so excited to expand the scope of our collaboration to meet additional needs in our communities.  This expanded global partnership provides an opportunity or our Lions and Leo members to engage in new service opportunities like hearing health, family support, inclusive sports, membership development, and much more.”

As part of the partnership announcement, Lions Clubs International Foundation Chairperson Dr. Tam Wing-kun made Special Olympics Global Ambassador Yao Ming an honorary Lions Clubs member for his dedication to serving children throughout China.

Since 2001, Special Olympics and Lions Clubs International have screened more than 325,000 Special Olympics athletes, and with the help of global suppliers Essilor International and Safilo Group, have provided more than 100,000 athletes with high quality prescription eyeglasses. The expanded partnership will utilize the proven collaborative model exhibited through Opening Eyes, with the focus on creating additional health and social impacts to empower individuals with intellectual disabilities, their families, and their communities.

In addition to empowering people with intellectual disabilities to achieve their best both on and off the playing field, the partnership is designed to highlight the global and community leadership offered by Lions Clubs International, the largest service organization in the world, and a global leader in humanitarian service.

“Thank you Lions Clubs for your continued support, but more importantly for your belief in people like me,” said Ben Haack, Special Olympics Australia athlete. “Your support will allow us to reach more young people and empower our athletes to be leaders. We are so excited to work closely with Lions Clubs throughout the world to bring your mission, ‘We Serve’, to every corner of the Special Olympics Movement. These actions will help build understanding and break down barriers and bullying and will create communities of acceptance everywhere.”

In 2001, Lions Clubs International Foundation awarded Special Olympics the first grant in a multi-year, multi-million dollar commitment in the expansion of the Opening Eyes vision screening program.  Since then, the Foundation has provided over $15 million to provide vision and health-related services for a population long denied access to quality health and social services.

The commitment will continue to be more than just financial. Lions Clubs International has supported the Opening Eyes program with more than 20,000 volunteers in more than 80 countries, as well as helping to build capacity for increased disability programming in communities throughout the world.
About Special Olympics

Special Olympics is an international organization that unleashes the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sports every day around the world. Through work in sports, health, education and community building, Special Olympics is addressing inactivity, injustice, intolerance and social isolation by encouraging and empowering people with intellectual disabilities, which leads to a more welcoming and inclusive society. Founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the Special Olympics movement has grown from a few hundred athletes to more than 4.2 million athletes in 170 countries. With the support of more than one million coaches and volunteers, Special Olympics is able to deliver 32 Olympic-type sports and more than 70,000 competitions throughout the year. Visit Special Olympics at Engage with us on: Twitter, and

About Lions Clubs International Foundation

Lions Clubs International Foundation is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organization in the world with 1.35 million members in 208 geographic areas and countries. Through LCIF, Lions have helped to save or restore the vision of more than 30 million people worldwide. Learn more online at

Kirsten Seckler
Special Olympics

Allie Stryker
Lions Club International

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Chairperson Madden- Special OlympicsGentili Lions,
fra i momenti salienti delle convention vi è la possibilità di conoscere tutte le cose meravigliose che i Lions hanno fatto con l'aiuto della Fondazione Lions Clubs International. I Lions proteggono la vista delle persone, sostengono i giovani, offrono soccorsi in seguito a calamità e soddisfano molti bisogni umanitari.
Un modo per far fronte a tali bisogni è attraverso Un Vaccino, una vita: Iniziativa Lions per la lotta al morbillo. Insieme, continueremo a lottare contro il morbillo e la rosolia in tutto il mondo. Ad Amburgo, la LCIF ha annunciato una collaborazione con la GAVI Alliance, che si affianca ad una nuova raccolta di fondi con sussidi matching finalizzati a combattere il morbillo in tutto il mondo. Siamo molto soddisfatti di proseguire, insieme a LCIF, in questa attività finalizzata a salvare la vita della gente. Nessun bambino dovrebbe perdere la vista o morire a causa del morbillo. Grazie all'estensione e alla portata globale delle nostre attività, possiamo avere un impatto.
Nel corso della convention, LCIF ha anche annunciato l'espansione del programma Opening Eyes delle Olimpiadi Speciali Internazionali. I Lions e LCIF continueranno a offrire fondamentali servizi per la vista a persone affette da disabilità intellettuali. Grazie a questa collaborazione internazionale, i Lions offriranno, inoltre, diversi servizi attraverso attività finalizzate alla salute dell'udito, al sostegno alle famiglie e ad altre iniziative, ad opportunità di leadership per gli atleti, alla crescita associativa, ecc.
La nostra opera finalizzata a soddisfare bisogni diversi in tutto il mondo non si svolge, però, sempre attraverso attività pianificate. Quando si verifica l'imprevedibile, siamo lì, pronti a prestare il nostro aiuto. Un esempio recente di ciò è nell'Himalaya, dove si sono verificate gravi inondazioni. Tutti coloro che sono stati colpiti sono nei nostri cuori. Per sostenere le attività di soccorso dei Lions nelle zone colpite, LCIF ha mobilitato sussidi per US$130.000. È grazie al generoso sostegno finanziario dei Lions che LCIF è in grado di agire rapidamente in seguito ad una calamità devastante. Vi incoraggio, dunque, a considerare di effettuare unadonazione al fondo per i soccorsi in caso di calamità. Tali donazioni, che sono riconosciute ai fini dei premi amici di Melvin Jones, aiutano a sostenere i Lions quando sorgono delle necessità in seguito a calamità.
Quest'anno vi sono molte altre opportunità di service in tutto il mondo. La vostra Fondazione è qui per sostenervi, e, in qualità di Presidente di LCIF, anche io sono qui per sostenervi. Voi potete incidere non soltanto sulla vostra comunità locale, ma anche sulla comunità globale e attraverso le collaborazioni poste in atto dalla nostra Fondazione.
Cordiali saluti,
Lion Wayne Madden
Presidente, Fondazione Lions Clubs International

La LCIF collabora con la GAVI Alliance contro il morbillo e la rosolia
La Fondazione Lions Clubs International continua a soddisfare bisogni umanitari anche collaborando con la GAVI Alliance nella lotta al morbillo e alla rosolia. L'annuncio è stato dato durante la convention internazionale: i Lions raccoglieranno US$30 milioni entro il 2017. I fondi raccolti dai Lions verranno integrati da fondi di pari importo offerti dal Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo Internazionale del Regno Unito (DFID) e dalla Fondazione Bill & Melinda Gates, portando così il totale a US$60 milioni.
Per saperne di più su questa interessante collaborazione, guardate questo video prodotto dalla GAVI Alliance:
GAVI Alliance video

Cambiare la vita dei non vedenti in Turchia
Aktas from TurkeySeyfullah Aktaş è cresciuto in un piccolo paese in Turchia. Poiché era non vedente, al liceo non ha ricevuto gli insegnamenti necessari per usare il computer, trovare un lavoro o camminare autonomamente con il suo bastone bianco. Fortunatamente, Seyfullah ha potuto frequentare i corsi della fondazione Six Dots Foundation for the Blind, creata dai Lions Club di Istambul e del Distretto 118. Tale fondazione, che educa e riabilita i non vedenti e gli ipovedenti in Turchia e sensibilizza la popolazione riguardo alla situazione di tali persone, ha ricevuto sussidi LCIF per progetti quali l'espansione di corsi di formazione professionale per i non vedenti. Seyfullah ha appreso molte cose e ha persino portato a termine una formazione professionale da massaggiatore.
"Ho acquistato mobilità e ho appreso capacità di vita quotidiana; dopo sei mesi sono stato in grado di camminare da solo, con il mio bastone bianco, nelle affollate strade di Istambul", ha affermato Seyfullah. "Mi sono sposato e ho un figlio. Sono in grado di provvedere alla mia famiglia e di offrirle uno standard di vita migliore. Voi avete cambiato non soltanto la mia vita, ma quella di molti non vedenti in Turchia. I miei amici ed io siamo diventati produttivi, ed è una sensazione stupenda... avete dato un significato alla mia vita. Grazie."